Certified Cyber Threat Hunter (CCTH)

This Certified Cyber Threat Hunter (CCTH) is a specialist-level 5-day course for those cyber security professionals involved in ​network security, security operations or incident response looking to develop in their role or wishing to enhance their proactive skills in detecting and mitigating threats.

You will learn and practice the skills and understanding needed to conduct a thorough threat hunt within a live enterprise environment.

Book your training three months in advance of the course start date and get a 20% discount.

Course Summary:

CPE Score:
40 Credits
£3,250 +VAT (incl. exam)
Cambs/Beds (UK)

For more information about this course, please see below

How will I benefit?

This course will give you:

  • The skills to enhance or undertake your own threat hunts and develop your methodologies
  • The ability to understand and correlate separate artefacts into larger patterns to better identify potential threats

What will I learn?

  • You will learn and practice the skills and understanding needed to conduct a thorough threat hunt within a live enterprise environment
  • How to effectively conduct and automate data collection from remote locations using built-in and third-party tools so that vital clues and potential threats will not be missed
  • How to correlate and analyse data to successfully identify active and passive threats already existing within a network

Who should attend?

  • Senior Security Operations Centre Analysts
  • Network security/administrators/engineers
  • Senior Security Operations Centre Analysts
  • Incident responders ​
  • Other cyber/digital investigators

For more information on this course, please email the Education team or contact us on +44(0)1763 285285